Eucharist (Holy Communion)

The Sacrament of the Eucharist (Holy Communion) is the central sacrament of the Catholic Community in which Our Lord is truly present with us under the appearance of Bread and Wine. The Eucharist is received in the context of the Liturgy or Mass. The Eucharist is the reason a parish exists and what continues to keep the parish community united. Many receive the Eucharist for the first time in 2nd grade but First Eucharist may be received at any age.


First Eucharist and the First Reconciliation program is for all catholic students in the second grade. Students who attend a public elementary school are required to participate in our CCD program.

The First Reconciliation and First Eucharist program consists of participating in a Reconciliation retreat and a Eucharist retreat. Parent involvement is necessary for both these retreats. Additional meetings, rehearsals, and classes are also part of the student’s preparation. Our program starts in September and ends with the sacrament of Reconciliation in December and Eucharist in May.

Contact Lisa Baumann for more information or to discuss children who may be older than 2nd grade who may have missed First Communion with their age group but still wish to receive.

First Eucharist and First Reconciliation Calendar click here

ADULT FIRST EUCHARIST - Ages 14 and older

Adults wishing to receive their First Eucharist would do so in conjunction with the OCIA Program of our parish. Please click here for further information about that program at Gesu.




Becoming Catholic