
The Sacrament of Confirmation strengthens the gifts of the Holy Spirit first received at Baptism and equips Christians to go forth as missionaries for the Gospel.

8th Grade Confirmation

In the Diocese of Toledo, confirmation is received during the 8th grade school year. Reception of the sacrament requires participation in a 2 year program, beginning in September of one’s 7th grade year and concluding with reception of the sacrament in the spring of the 8th grade year.

Public School Students

Students who attend a public elementary school are required to participate in the parish CCD Program in both their 7th and 8th grades. The Confirmation program consists of participating in 2 retreats, completing a designated number of service hours in the areas of home, school/parish and community, attend additional classes, prayer rituals and meetings. Contact Lisa Baumann, our Religious Education Coordinator, for more information.

Adult Confirmation

Reception as an adult takes place in conjunction with the OCIA Program - the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults. For more information on OCIA, click here.




Eucharist (Holy Communion)