Sunday, July 16

Dear Parishioners,

Today we welcome Bishop Bernard Toha, OSFS, a member of our International Oblate community, to our parish. Bishop Bernard is the Bishop of the diocese of Djougou, in NW Benin, West Africa.  In his diocese, about 80% of the population is mostly Muslim.  It is a rural diocese and all are farming to survive.  There is a significant number of youth (ages  8 – 25) who leave, often sent by parents and go to neighboring countries and all over the Middle East, drawn by Muslim communities searching for a better life and to send money home.  This results in fractured families, abuse of those leaving the country by people where they go.  Sometimes these young people just disappear and are never seen again, leaving the schools in Benin nearly empty.

The Christian community lives in anxiety and fear that the Muslim community may rise up against them.  This curtails some freedom of worship and public expression of their faith.  The Catholic community, especially bishops, and other leaders in the church work with the Muslim community, especially the Imans, to maintain good relations.  This is essential to keep this fragile peace.  Added to that, terrorism by Bukina Fasso is also near, only 50 miles from the bishop’s home.

WOW! It’s against that background that we welcome my Oblate confrere, Bishop Bernard, to the parish this morning!

On a much lighter note, this past week parishioners from both parishes enjoyed an evening at 5/3 Field cheering on the Toledo Mud Hens in their loss to the Louisville Bats.  Despite the loss, and a few raindrops at the start of the game, the evening turned out great and I think that those of us at the game had an enjoyable time.  In all about 80 folks from St. Pius and Gesu attended.

The summer is moving along quickly.  Enjoy it. Keep safe.

Fr. Marty


Sunday Salesian Perspective